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About us

Bercat Pty.Ltd. roasts and packs some of the worlds finest Coffee.

Bercat specialises in ORGANIC and FAIR TRADE coffees and teas.

We support:
sustainable agriculture,
organic farming,
protecting the environment,
fair trade for smaller farmers and
small producers in developing countries and Australia.

We offer:
Freshly roasted East Timor, Mexican, Colombian, Ethiopian, Papuan New Guinean, Kenya and Australian coffees, which are roasted and packed by Bercat with the greatest of care and expertise.
Imported Colombian Instant coffee
Black and Green Tea from Sri Lanka and Darjeeling along with Herbal Teas from Australia.

BERCAT is certified as an ORGANIC PROCESSOR by ACO under no. 758P

⇑ Bercat is a FAIRTRADE Licensee of FLO for coffee and Tea under FLO 3337


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